About Us

Both of us, “Woman and Man”, are activists in the midst of social mobility…

In “WO-MAN” Association, although the woman has a balanced presence, the man has an efficient one too!

Both of us, “Woman and Man”, work together to face our problems because we strongly believe that women’s issues in our Lebanese society in particular and in our Eastern societies in general, are not only HERS but also man’s concern.

علّمتني التجربة ان حرية المرأة وتحررها مرتبطان بتحرر الفكر والمجتمع.
اما تحرّر المجتمع لا يكون الا عبر نضالات مشتركة يشارك فيها الرجل والمرأة معا يداً بيد


Meet our team

Mrs. May Wakim
Mrs. May Wakim
Founder & President
Mrs. Mira Wakim
Mrs. Mira Wakim
Mrs. Mona Accaoui
Mrs. Mona Accaoui
Sworn Translator, Founder
Honorary Counsul of Lebanon, Mr. Ghassan Dairi
Honorary Counsul of Lebanon, Mr. Ghassan Dairi

Quote Of The Day